Refunds 101
Step 1. You cancel your bookingStep 2. The supplier refund processStep 3. We receive your refundStep 1. You cancel your booking
When you request a booking cancellation with us, we reach out to each supplier to cancel the respective elements of your holiday. The suppliers then process the cancellation and send the refund back to us, excluding any cancellation or booking credits that remain with them.Step 2. The supplier refund process
The length of time your refund can take id dependent on the supplier, the refund method and other outside factors (eg. Global health events). Generally speaking, it can take up to 12 weeks in some cases for the refund to make it way back to us.Step 3. We receive your refund
Once the refund has clear into our trust accounts, we will contact you to make arrangements to refund it back to the original payment method. You can also elect to keep it on file as a credit to use for future travel.